Reason for the title: in case the cookies didn't turn out... they would end up as almost cookies. Thus, the name "or something like it" and the discussion of the movie Life or Something Like It. Life or Something Like It Angelina Jolie. Life or Something Like It. 20th Century Fox. 2002. Film Still. I love seeing Angelina Jolie kicking ass in action...
This is probably one of my favorite characters bitingly depicted by Cameron Diaz. The "bad teacher" Elizabeth character is the complete opposite to those common typecast super sweet and nice, seen earlier in Diaz's career. Instead, she portrays an outrageous, self-serving, callus teacher with a sailor tongue-- and she does it well. Cameron Diaz. Bad Teacher (2012). Movie Poster. Although Diaz's character is...
Welcome to the Rileys (2010) is an independent drama with a deep, captivating cast and a storyline that uncomfortably unravels its characters in an intricate and obvious manner. It has a way of reflecting the reality that everyone has their own personal problems and own way of trying to cope with whatever those problems may be. Kristen Stewart. Welcome to the Rileys. 2010....
For a while, I've been re-thinking and re-evaluating my diet; wanting to alter it by adding more fruits and vegetables, while taking in less prepackaged and processed foods. So I figure the in-between is always a good idea: less processed foods and more raw, real, whole, clean foods. And that's what I've been doing. So the first makeshift recipe to reflect the slight...