Lazy Vegan Banana Split Sundae

June 15, 2012

This is pretty much how to make breakfast taste awesome 101. You make a banana split sundae and this is how it is done..

Banana Sundaeee

  • Vegan Ice Cream (So Delicious Coconut Milk Mint Chip)
  • A Banana - or two
  • I used Cookie Crumbs because I ate all the cookies
  • vegan chocolate chips, fruit, nuts or vegan chocolate sauce
 Just put it altogether and you're done! So easy, so tasty.

Beautiful Bananas


If you like mint chip ice cream SO Delicious Coconut Milk Mint Chip Ice Cream may be a good non-dairy ice cream to try. This ice cream uses very few simple ingredients, which is a plus. However, the ice cream does have a bit of a frozen-solid hard consistency so I tend to let it melt for a short while. Although it is a "mint chip" ice cream, I feel like there could really be more chocolate chips or chocolate chunk would be even better. When I ate non-vegan mint ice cream, the best part was the chocolate chunks. Overall, So Delicious has the best non-dairy, simple ingredient, vegan ice cream. Coconut milk mint chip may not be the best, but it is still really a good ice cream with a light flavors.

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