A Law & Order-Community Infusion

August 07, 2012

"Basic Lupine Urology" is an absolutely hilarious and creative episode of Community, shot Law & Order style with creator, Dick Wolf. You know a television show is stellar when you can see the effort is filled with clever creativity and the attention of detail is applied to every contributing element, resulting in something superb from beginning to end.

This is one of Community's best episodes! Similar to "Remedial Chaos Theory", it is episode I would share and recommend to those who aren't familiar with Community.

In "Basic Lupine Urology" the group is assigned to a biology project of growing yams but when the group discovers that their "A+" yam has been smashed and destroyed, the story soon turns into a Law & Order yam-homicide mystery that must be solved. Between Troy and Abed taking on the good cop/bad cop routines, Sherley taking  on the part of supervisor/coordinator leading to the possible sources, Brita's troubles with the picture-taking, Anne and Jeff as both the other investigative police and lawyers of the trial, while everyone else either helping with assistance or assumed a suspect of the crime.  Basically, there were several roles that were precise in their embodiment.


The integration of Community's silly and chaotic elements blended with a super melodramatic parody of Law and Order seriousness is a spot-on portrayal from start to finish, everything was synthesized.
Even the introduction into the show was an amazing and super catchy fusion of the two. The writing, dialogue, wardrobe, mise-en-scene, editing/filming techniques, and strong commitment to the roles described above all stylistically come together to provide the overall feel of the episode which goes beyond just resembling that Law & Order feel, but re-creates it with good precision. 

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